This Week in AI - August 30 2024

The 100% Profit Machine, Build Your Own Disney + More

Hey, if you’re new in the AI game, this might just be the coolest corner of your e-mail inbox.

I live in the AI world.

My friends are in it, my own company builds AI solutions for Fortune 500 companies and I launch about 2 side-projects a month using AI.

Plus, I’m sharing everything I’ve learnt over the last 15 years with live tutorials and hacks to hundreds of AI beginners like you in my community, 5 Day Sprint.

1. Watch: Pieter Levels - The Solopreneur Making $200k+ /Month with 100% profit

If you’ve got 4 hours to kill this weekend 🥸 I HIGHLY recommend watching this brilliant interview with Pieter Levels.

Pieter builds his own projects in public, sharing the journey transparently and currently earns $200k+ with no employees and all profit.

What if I told you it’s 100% doable without any technical experience?

Pieter’s process is simple.

  1. Identify problems he faces in his own day to day life (e.g. Can’t find a good place to work from while travelling → creates or travels with partner and luggage gets lost and has headache locating it → creates

  2. Launches a very scrappy, basic design, free version on his social platform to test demand

  3. He makes small iterations/tweaks as he goes and starts charging customers to use the product

I hear you loud and clear at the back “Well he has a large following, of course he’s going to get users” - yes true! However everyone starts somewhere, and Pieter launched his early projects with no audience, no marketing and no money. It’s all about finding an interesting problem to solve and connecting with people who may be experiencing a similar challenge.

While you watch this interview, have a think about interesting challenges you face in your daily life and I’m certain you’ll be able to ideate solutions that nobody else has thought of! That’s what you should build.

2. AI + Video Will Change Content FOREVER!

Imagine, to make a movie like Toy Story, Despicable Me or even Marvel, a studio like Disney spends 100’s of million of dollars, over many years, across multiple continents with a team of thousands!

Now - what if I told you that you’ll soon be able to create your own Disney, without leaving your bed.

That’s what’s in store for AI + Video in the coming years (maybe even months!)

This image is a great way to see who the key players are in this space. All of these AI companies are building tools that will enable people like you and I to dream of an idea and see it come to life in front of our ideas.

As a parent this is a GAME CHANGER too! My daughter is obsessed with movie making and we use AI to create characters. I can’t imagine her reaction when we can actually turn these characters into scenes, and perhaps even using AI to help us write the script.

🤯 < Literally!

3. ☎️ Live AI Demo: Tonight @ 6pm (UK Time) + Free Gift

I hosted a Live AI Demo in my community a few weeks ago and it was an absolute blast!

Over 100 members joined the call as I built an AI project in real-time and we did a Q&A too!

As a gift, I’m sharing the video from our last Community Call below (normally for members only!) 👇

We’re doing another Live Demo tonight at 6pm (UK time). You can get the link to the call here.

If you’re not yet part of my AI community, you’re missing out on all the fun. Just this week you missed:

  • Over 4 hours of tutorials on how to build your own AI application from scratch. (worth $2,500)

  • Design inspiration and references to up-skill yourself in the AI world

  • Presentation by me on how to identify a problem to solve and how to get your first sale

🎁🎟️ LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT: Membership is normally $29/month for all the above + loads more content from the start. You can access the community for $19/month if you click on this link now.

That’s it for this week folks!

I’m sharing 10x more than this in the community if you want to dive deeper and start learning how you can build with AI, too!
