This Week in AI - September 6 2024

Type it, build it + learn SEO hacks to rank #1 in Google

Hey, if you’re new in the AI game, this might just be the coolest corner of your e-mail inbox.

I live in the AI world.

My friends are in it, my own company builds AI solutions for Fortune 500 companies and I launch about 2 side-projects a month using AI.

Plus, I’m sharing everything I’ve learnt over the last 15 years with live tutorials and hacks to hundreds of AI beginners like you in my community, 5 Day Sprint.

1. Build 😎 apps just by typing - 

AI engineering tools are the craze of the month!

You may have heard of Cursor AI which helps you write highly complex applications that would normally require a developer on a salary of $200k+ (trust me, I’ve been there!)

But Cursor can still be a little complex to get into with 0 experience.

That’s why I really like 

You can just type anything and watch it write the code and build a visual layout for you in seconds - you have to try it.

There are some demo projects on their you can click on or you can create your own.

2. There’s an AI for that!

This website is becoming increasingly popular as the go-to for people curious about what AI can do.

It’s a great way to find interesting AI tools/websites that you can play around with and also a fantastic way to get inspired about your own ideas.

Although still popular, Product Hunt - used to be the go-to for new tech product launches but I notice myself spending more time on TAAFT (There’s an AI for that).

Bonus: If your brain starts ticking with ideas, you should also check out Dribbble for great design inspiration.

I’m a big advocate of “building your mental bucket” - meaning browse, absorb and collect loads of interesting ideas mentally. These observations will one day spark a random shower thought that could be your next big idea.

That’s literally how I started Feedsauce.

3. Watch me build in real-time and rank top in Google with $0 budget

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is one of the pillars for driving traffic to your website or business.

Google made $237.86 billion in 2023 from it’s ad business. These are businesses who are paying Google to show up in top search results.

But guess what? I figured out how to do it using AI for basically nothing.

My recipe website has grown 10x in organic traffic from Google in the past 30 days - and I’m sharing how you can do the exact same process with an entirely new project.

The project is called and boy is it going to be a good one!

Watch me build in real-time.

I’ve shared over 3 hours of video tutorials this week and there’s more on the way as I start to design the app and implement AI to run the entire project for me.

That’s right - once I’ve set this up, it will just work automatically.

1000’s of pages, ranking in Google, without me lifting another finger.

🎁🎟️ LIMITED TIME DISCOUNT: Membership is normally $29/month for all the above + loads more content from the start. You can access the community for $19/month if you click on this link now.

That’s it for this week folks!

I’m sharing 10x more than this in the community if you want to dive deeper and start learning how you can build with AI, too!
